Joomla is a PHP and mySQL-based content management system that many developers use these days. There are two Joomla versions that all developers (including Joomla web developer in Toronto) download. Those versions are
the compressed versions and the uncompressed versions.
There are many reasons why do so many people refer to the Joomla web development software as the #1 software for designing and developing a website’s interface. We would discuss the reasons more in-depth in this article.
#1. A free and an open-source software
Being an open-source software means there are lots of possibilities to customize Joomla-made templates. Even though WordPress (the close competitor to Joomla) is also free and there are also lots of customizable templates in it, Joomla’s multiple template possibilities outnumber the ones in WordPress.
Using the Joomla web design software also means combining multiple templates for one website development aspect. This feature is so unlike WordPress’ template systems that only let you to use one website template at a time. Since Joomla has the open-source system, you can also edit the combined templates when you use them.
On top of all, you can customize and edit templates in Joomla at no cost. Such things are the features that you cannot find in other content management systems, even in their paid versions.
#2. Joomla is a multi-lingual tool for your website designing purposes
Only a few content management systems that support more than 20 languages. Joomla belongs to one of those systems, since it acknowledges 75 different languages.
Even though some content management systems or software support more than 20 languages, most of them only rely on machine translations. As a result, organizational performances deteriorate because many team members lose ways to communicate with each others.
Joomla is different that the entire how-to manuals and user interfaces are using human-translated languages. Such advantages make organizations in places in developed countries with multicultural people and society like Toronto can use Joomla.
Therefore, we can say that the Joomla web development in Toronto can have convenient times in setting up the templates and executing their web designs. It is all because of the multi-lingual and natural flows of the language that a Joomla web developer in Toronto can communicate changes and updates to other team members when they need to.
#3. Joomla’s security abilities are exceptional
Security vulnerability is one of the major issues in every systems and software. Passwords and firewalls are two areas where the security feels most vulnerable. On top of all, there are lots of websites, software, and systems that let you (and possibly, other people around you) see the alphabets, numbers, and symbols of your passwords.
Such things are not only dangerous in terms of their nature. Security breaches can make organizations breach their own agreements, too, sometimes even without them knowing it. Fortunately, Joomla’s exceptional ability to secure the website development and designing process has helped many users and website developers.
B-Crypt algorithm is one of the algorithm types Joomla uses. This hashing technology secures the Joomla website design process by scrambling the passwords in a database that (sometimes) even the users cannot see it. In doing so, hackers cannot see the stored passwords because of their invisible presence.
Other than B-Crypt algorithm, Joomla also uses the famous two-factor authentication (or the 2FA). Even though this security technology will make it challenging for Joomla users to recover should they lost their devices, hackers and crackers cannot get through the 2FA with brute-force attacks or similar techniques.
The Joomla Security Strike Team does not only rely on the algorithm and the 2FA. Instead, they also become the first security teams to update and increase the security aspects compared to Joomla’s other competitors.
#4. Convenient access to the knowledge bases
Joomla is not only a multilingual platform for the purposes like Joomla web design in Toronto, a city with a multicultural society. Joomla users also get to have convenient access to Joomla’s knowledge bases, such as the tutorials and forums.
Joomla’s tutorials are not only for beginners, even though there are some tutorials that you will have to undergo when it is your first time in using Joomla. Eventually, you will be able to access Joomla’s expert-only tutorials. These entire tutorials are available for you through the “Docs” and “Training” parts of the official website.
As one of WordPress’ top competitors, it is no surprise that there are tons of additional Joomla tutorials in various search engines (Google, Yahoo!, DuckDuckGo, and many more). Best of all, you can get a certification when you finish Joomla’s tutorials. Then, you can show your certificate on LinkedIn or anywhere you can put your CV on.
Aside from tutorials, Joomla also has an active forum. The forum serves as an interactive Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) page of Joomla. It is different from any other FAQs page, because a forum-based question-and-answer sessions means a lively discussion among the members.
You will find members from all over the world when you interact with Joomla’s forums and communicate with them there. So, a Joomla web developer in Toronto will not feel lost in translation when using Joomla’s knowledge base.
#5. Joomla has more than 7,000 useful extensions for the website
A website should not only consist of the Home, About Me, Products (and/or Features), How to Order, FAQs, and other “ordinary” pages. In other words, visitors and users can quickly get bored when a website relies heavily on the per-page contents.
Instead, it is the extensions that make a website appear more appealing to the audiences. The more the website’s extensions work in a way that helps the navigation, the more likely a website will attract traffics.
Joomla is one of the content management systems with more than 7,000 different extension selections. Such numbers almost double the amounts of extensions in WordPress’ paid package versions.
One of the extensions in Joomla that people often use is Jsitemap. Jsitemap does not only provide more convenient access to the website’s directory. Instead, it also helps web developers to boost their indexing in Google’s search rankings. So, using Jsitemap means chances to monetize the page ranks even more.